
Good recipes for Better Businesses.

Cook up success with BrandChef

Cook up success with BrandChef

We're here for you.

We offer winning strategies + expertise in execution based on the experience gained at top Consumer Health companies.

How do we work?

We build project-specific dream teams of vetted industry experts to help address your specific business needs.

At BrandChef, we deliver:

  • Strategy Consulting (where to play & how to win)
  • Support for New Product Launches
  • Digital transformation, content creation & optimization
  • Marketing & Media investment optimization to improve your efficiency & increase ROI
  • All Marketing Services you can think of and need. Just ask and BrandChef team will come back with solutions 

We have extensive experience in Go-to-market strategies, Brand Positioning & Portfolio Strategies, Price & Profit Optimization, Communication Strategies & Advertising, Digital Content & Campaigns, Market Research & Insight-driven Innovations, Business Cases preparation, New Product Launches, Promo Claims development & optimization.

BrandChef's Philosophy

BrandChef's Philosophy

Our 3-step approach:

  1. Deeply Understand
  2. Develop Winning Strategy
  3. Ensure Great Implementation  

The starting point for us at BrandChef is to truly understand our client's need, their pain-points.

But equally, we spend ample time to thoroughly understand the market and the competitors. The size, growth potential, residual and emerging trends, opportunities and risks, strengths and weaknesses.

The deeper and more unique the insights, the stronger and more sustainable the strategy is going to be. So, no shortcuts.    

Why BrandChef?

We have worked with consumer health, med-tech companies and start-ups, helping them define winning strategies and effectively execute to deliver great results.

Mastery based on solid credentials

Mastery based on solid credentials

  • Marketing executives & brand management experts with 20+ years leadership experience across mature and emerging markets at Top Healthcare companies like Reckitt, Sandoz, USP Zdrowie, Abbott, Viatris
  • Successfully led & grown businesses above $100 MM, with direct reports and within culturally diverse cross-functional teams
  • Exceeded top & bottom-line targets, improved market shares, brand equity & profitability of iconic brands: Nurofen, Strepsils, Brufen, Linex, ACC, APAP, Traumon, Rantudil, Exoderil, Persen, Ketonal, Calcium Sandoz
  • Deployed effective brand growth strategies: insight-driven big ideas, consumer-centric innovations, research-proven and impactful 360° promotional campaigns
  • Led Rx-to-OTC switches and new product launches in the biggest consumer health market segments: Pain, Pediatric Fever, Sore Throat, Cough & Cold, Probiotics, Digestion
  • Well connected with 4000+ LinkedIn contacts: digital and media experts, creative minds, researchers, designers, filmmakers, content developers 

What is Strategy?

Roger Martin's definition: “strategy is choice”.

“Strategy is not a long planning document. Strategy is a set of interrelated and powerful choices that positions the organization to win.”


Useful links:



“In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and implement it like hell.”

Former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch
